Total .NET Analyzer Rule Documentation  

PascalCase Rule

Use Pascal Case.


Using a standardized naming convention is an important element in writing code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. Microsoft suggests using Pascal case for the following items:
Enum type
Enum values
Exception class
Read-only Static field
Public instance field

In addition, use Pascal case for acronyms with three or more letters (e.g., XmlSpace rather than XMLSpace).

By default, Total .NET Analyzer does not identify private types that do not use Pascal Case, but you can change this behavior through the Rule Editor.


To change an object's name to Pascal case, capitalize the first letter of the identifier and the first letter in each subsequent concatenated word. For instance, the following names use Pascal case:
- MouseEventHandler
- GetCharArray
- Save
- IServiceProvider
- FileStream

See the Capitalization Styles help information for more information on Microsoft's naming guidelines.

(Note that this is standardized naming convention, so it has no effect on the execution of code.)

See Also

Capitalization Styles

Total .NET Analyzer Camel Case Rule

Total .NET Analyzer Hungarian Rule