The behavior of the Application Title and the MsgBox function in Microsoft Access

Provided by the FMS Development Team

The MsgBox function has an optional parameter, "Title", that allows you define the caption of the message box. However, if the Title is omitted, then Microsoft applies a default value.

Access Version VBA Displays Macro Displays
97, 2000, 2002 Microsoft Access Microsoft Access
2003, 2007 Microsoft Office Access Microsoft Office Access

In Access 97, if you specify an Application Title under the Tools->Startup menu, this value appears in the caption of the MsgBox function if there is no value specified for the "Title" parameter. This is a nice feature because it allows a centralized location to apply the title to all MsgBox functions throughout the application.

However, starting with Access 2000 and through Access 2007 (current version), this functionality changed. Even if you specify the Application Title, this is not displayed if the "Title" parameter is missing from the MsgBox function.

This is important to know if you are converting an Access 97 application to a newer version of Access. So, the question now is, where do we go from here?

  1. Continue to use the Application Title under the Tools-> Startup menu or Access Options in Access 2007
  2. Create a global function to retrieve the Application Title from the application.
  3. Create several customized, global MsgBox functions to be called in your application.
  4. Create a global constant to hold a default value for the Title parameter, in such an event that the Application Title was not specified (Its ok to be forgetful).

Here is a working example to illustrate the new concepts to apply.

 Public Const gcstrAppTitle As String = "Attention"

Public Function GetAppTitle() As String
  Dim strReturnValue As String

  On Error Resume Next

  ' If there is no value in the Application Title, Access will cause an error.
  ' Because there is a custom, default property in place, we can skip the error.
  strReturnValue = CurrentDb.Properties("AppTitle")

  If strReturnValue = "" Then
    strReturnValue = gcstrAppTitle
  End If

  GetAppTitle = strReturnValue
End Function

Public Sub MsgBoxInfo(ByVal strPrompt As String, Optional ByVal strTitle As String)
  If strTitle <> "" Then
    MsgBox Prompt:=strPrompt, Buttons:=vbInformation, Title:=strTitle
    MsgBox Prompt:=strPrompt, Buttons:=vbInformation, Title:=GetAppTitle()
  End If
End Sub

Public Sub Main()
  ' Run this to see the sample
  MsgBoxInfo "Hello World"
  MsgBoxInfo "Hello World", "My Title"
End Sub

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Thank you! Thank you! I just finished reading this document, which was part of a link in the recent Buzz newsletter. I have printed it for others to read, especially those skeptical on the powers of Access and its capabilities.

Darren D.

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