July 2018
For Microsoft Access, SQL Server,
Visual Studio .NET, and VB6 Professionals
Happy Summer to you all! In May, I took a fascinating business trip to Iceland where I hiked on a glacier, saw geysers, geothermal power generation, and experienced the amazing culture!
Mark your calendars for July 18, 2018 and join us at the DC Access User Group Meeting at Tysons Corner Center! The meeting is right across the street from our office in Vienna, Virginia!
This month we have created multiple updates for two of our popular products, Total Access Detective and Total Access Emailer. If you are an exisiting owner, you were
notified of the update download via email.
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25, 2018 in the European Union. We have many customers in Europe and
we believe in protecting your information. We've updated our Privacy Policy so that our customers know what we do with their information.
There are two upcoming events that were announced in Vienna, Austria and Portland, Oregon. If you would like to attend, be sure to sign up as soon
as possible!
We've only included a subset of recent news here. For additional information, visit our News Announcements page and receive our latest notifications from our
Facebook page,
All the best,
Luke Chung
Washington, DC Access 2nd Quarter User's Group Meeting
July 18, 2018, 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Microsoft Store in Tysons Corner Center
Join FMS President Luke Chung at the Microsoft Store in Tysons Corner Center across the street from our offices.
Members will share their experiences with Microsoft Access and the solutions to different Microsoft Access questions.
For more information, visit Washington, DC Microsoft Access Meetup.
FMS President Luke Chung is a Microsoft MVP Again
Microsoft officially recognized FMS President Luke Chung as a Microsoft MVP for the seventh year in a row!
He's among the 29 global Microsoft Access MVPs.
Visit Microsoft's MVP Public Profile Page to learn more about Luke's contributions to the Microsoft Access Community.
Congratulations Luke!
Total Access Emailer Update for Microsoft Access 2016
Total Access Emailer is the most popular email automation system for Microsoft Access. A new update was released for the Microsoft Access 2016 version.
- Preview lets you test your email blasts by sending the emails to your own email address.
- Sample database updated with TLS option and larger fonts
- When setting an email blast, the FROM email address is validated for an acceptable email format
- When the name of an attachment file includes invalid characters (e.g. :*?"<>|), a message indicates that problem rather than saying the file can't be found.
- Procedure TotalAccessEmailer_SendOne had two parameters (strMessageHTML and strHTMLFile) that are optional but were previously required.
- Cosmetic changes to increase font size, widen combo boxes, font consistency, and support for higher resolution monitors
- Manual and help file updated
For more information, visit Total Access Emailer 2016 Update.
Existing Total Access Emailer owners were notified to download the update.
Visit our Total Access Emailer Updates
Total Access Detective Update for Microsoft Access 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007
Total Access Detective finds differences between Microsoft Access databases and objects. Updates for Total Access Detective are available for Microsoft Access 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007.
- Improved SQL string comparisons for saved queries and properties like RecordSource and RowSource.
- Trailing blank spaces and extra blank lines are removed before comparing them, this avoids flagging SQL string differences that do not affect functionality.
- Query comparison. Under Data Options, if the query option is set to First Field Unique, it was always treating them sequentially and stopped on the first difference. This is fixed and works correctly.
- Table macro comparison supports table names with apostrophe (') in the them.
- Text comparison. If the VBA option is not selected, the results do not show the
Procedure tabs.
- Database comparison results: The database name goes across the entire top of the form rather than being truncated.
- All other reported issues.
For more information, visit:
Existing Total Access Detective owners were notified to download the update.
Visit our Total Access Detective Updates
New Total Access Statistics Support Page
There is a new Total Access Statistic support page on how to run a crosstab with the percent of the total based on one group from multiple row headings.
Total Access Statistics is the most powerful data analysis program for Microsoft Access. It runs as an Access add-in and offers a wide range of statistical functions to analyze your
Visit our Total Access Statistics Support Page.
Sentinel Visualizer Version 8 Released
Sentinel Visualizer is our advanced link analysis and data visualization program providing insight into patterns and trends hidden in your data.
We're pleased to release version 8 with lots of new features such as ESRI geospatial mapping support, enhanced SQL Server database and Azure support, user interface improvements, and
faster performance.
For more information on the new features, visit the Sentinel Visualizer 8 page.
Microsoft Access Version Releases, Service Packs, Hotfixes, and Updates History
We updated our page to show the latest updates that were released for Microsoft Access 2016.
This page offers a list of what and when it was released, some feature differences between versions, and additional details for the more recent updates.
Visit Version Releases, Services Packs and Hotfixes to find out more.
Microsoft Access Version Features and Differences Comparison Matrix
We've updated our page that shows the different Microsoft Access versions and changes in an easy to understand comparison matrix. We added a new line called Temporary Variables that was introduced in 2007.
Visit the Version Comparison Matrix to find out when versions were released, their latest service packs, database formats, linked tables, field types, security features, Windows Operating Systems, and many other features both new and old.
Links to Related Sites and Resources
We've updated our list of Related Sites and Resources for Microsoft Access, Office, SQL Server, Visual Basic 6, and Visual Studio! You will be able to find free training videos,
tutorials, blogs and user groups located in your area!
Visit our Free Links page to read more.
Upcoming Microsoft Access Conferences in 2019
Microsoft Access DevCon 2019 in Vienna Austria
April 27 - 28, 2019
Fellow Microsoft Access MVP Karl Donaubauer is hosting the Access DevCon in Vienna, Austria in 2019.
More information at the Access DevCon web site.
Microsoft Access 2019 Conference near Portland, Oregon
September 28 - 30, 2019, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
The Portland Access User Group will hold their annual event at the conference center in the beautiful
Silver Falls State Park a couple hours south of Portland, Oregon.
More information at the PAUG conference web
Visit our Upcoming Events page for other activities.
FMS updated Privacy Policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in Europe that went in effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR set guidelines on how personal information from
individuals was collected and processed. It also gives the individual rights to access their personal data and the right to be forgotten.
We at FMS, Inc. firmly believe in your right to privacy. We want to thank you for your trust in us, and we assure you that we will continue to handle and protect your
We've updated our privacy policy with more details on the information we collect, how we use the information and your control of your information.
Visit our FMS Privacy Policy.

Microsoft Announcements and Resources
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